Sitting here with mum for the third year running on the balcony of High Cape(ok not on the actual balcony this time as its too windy out there)
Feeling deep gratitude that mum has seen through another year with me here in Cpt.
Just listening as I type this to mums best friend Aunty Mona sing to mum over the phone and mum is tearing.
Really touched my heart to see this.True friendship after all these years :)
Aunty Mona is calling from London and mum is so touched.
Mum and I are watching a bit of Charlie and the choc factory.One of my fave movies....
First time mum is watching it :)
Reflecting on the year and I realised that a dream came true!I made it to New York!!!!!
Aside from NY and turning 30 I had lots of beautiful memories.
Looking forward to many adventures in the new year starting off with a goal that I am going to achieve in Feb.
Stay tuned!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
merry xmas
Merry xmas!Awake real early lying here with the door open admiring the beautiful scenery of Pringle Bay.
Thinking about my family-miss my brothers.I am feeling deep gratitude for my mum seeing through another xmas with us.
I have most enjoyed having her here for the past few years.Maybe next year we can do xmas in Durbs.
I always miss out on Azizs' bday due to work however seeing that I managed to get a few days off this year I am going to aim for time off in Durbs next year.
It has been a lil challenging with mums pain and us havin mis-understandings with mum so there have been these pockets of unpleasantness however I feel yesterday we managed to speak to mum in a very calm manner to get a few things off our chests.
It really breaks my heart that after all these years mum is still stuck in a certain headspace and is missing out on a more harmonious life.
Mum intends to do the next MTL course and I am sure many things will shift for her.
Listening to the birds right now and glancing at the view-I so need to do more getaways in the new year.
Thinking about my family-miss my brothers.I am feeling deep gratitude for my mum seeing through another xmas with us.
I have most enjoyed having her here for the past few years.Maybe next year we can do xmas in Durbs.
I always miss out on Azizs' bday due to work however seeing that I managed to get a few days off this year I am going to aim for time off in Durbs next year.
It has been a lil challenging with mums pain and us havin mis-understandings with mum so there have been these pockets of unpleasantness however I feel yesterday we managed to speak to mum in a very calm manner to get a few things off our chests.
It really breaks my heart that after all these years mum is still stuck in a certain headspace and is missing out on a more harmonious life.
Mum intends to do the next MTL course and I am sure many things will shift for her.
Listening to the birds right now and glancing at the view-I so need to do more getaways in the new year.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
feeling tired
I am craving a mini break.A small change of scene might do me a world of good!
I do have a few days off over the xmas period-cant wait to chill in Pringle Bay and sit in the sun,swim in the lake with my sis and just chill with the Bettys Bay clan.
Despite having enjoyable weekends I am mentally pooped.
A trip to an island....PLEASE??
I do have a few days off over the xmas period-cant wait to chill in Pringle Bay and sit in the sun,swim in the lake with my sis and just chill with the Bettys Bay clan.
Despite having enjoyable weekends I am mentally pooped.
A trip to an island....PLEASE??
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The "Singles" table
Hmmmm....this eve after a most beautiful wedding on the beach(my first experience)we arrived at the reception and I looked at the table seating plan.
I was on table five only to click that this was the "singles" table and also re-iterated in the grooms speech.
Three single girls and five single guys ;) A little arkward at first but I rose to the occasion as I realised we with these guys for the eve and best I meet some new peeps.
I knew Kav so there were four dudes to meet.Two were friends of the bride who were here from Jhb and one was a work mate of the bride and the other a cousin.
So conversation was a tad challenging at times but we did ok I guess.
Upon my return from the loo I found my chair taken and that forced me to get to know "Ramsey" a bit who was sitting a few seats away.
Cool dude who ended up with my number.No no don't get excited.Didn't appear "like that".I was so thrilled that I have come along way from being that super reserved person who deep down was real shy to chat to others and I guess self confidence is something for me that has come along way.
Self confidence?I have been a self confident person all along have I not?
I even danced with one of the dudes on the opening dance and just went with the moment.Yeah I have come along way.Lol
All in all a beautiful cross cultural wedding.I love weddings and hope one day I have one too :) I am such a romantic
I was on table five only to click that this was the "singles" table and also re-iterated in the grooms speech.
Three single girls and five single guys ;) A little arkward at first but I rose to the occasion as I realised we with these guys for the eve and best I meet some new peeps.
I knew Kav so there were four dudes to meet.Two were friends of the bride who were here from Jhb and one was a work mate of the bride and the other a cousin.
So conversation was a tad challenging at times but we did ok I guess.
Upon my return from the loo I found my chair taken and that forced me to get to know "Ramsey" a bit who was sitting a few seats away.
Cool dude who ended up with my number.No no don't get excited.Didn't appear "like that".I was so thrilled that I have come along way from being that super reserved person who deep down was real shy to chat to others and I guess self confidence is something for me that has come along way.
Self confidence?I have been a self confident person all along have I not?
I even danced with one of the dudes on the opening dance and just went with the moment.Yeah I have come along way.Lol
All in all a beautiful cross cultural wedding.I love weddings and hope one day I have one too :) I am such a romantic
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
lost in a bloggers world
Recently I have stumbled across so many awesome blog sites and find myself spending loads of time reading these blogs.
I love reading about other peoples lives-especially the ones who have a passion for life and appreciate beauty around them.
I see most bloggers are all over the place in terms of twitter,facebook etc just like this blogger ;)
I need to start adding much more colour to mine I would say.
Imagine imagine imagine if I could blog full time....aaaah bliss!
I love reading about other peoples lives-especially the ones who have a passion for life and appreciate beauty around them.
I see most bloggers are all over the place in terms of twitter,facebook etc just like this blogger ;)
I need to start adding much more colour to mine I would say.
Imagine imagine imagine if I could blog full time....aaaah bliss!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
a night out with Gill
Last night Gill and I got together for a long overdue movie date.
I picked her up and we caught a cup of coffee at Seattle before the movie.
Immediately she had me in stitches.Gill had an amazing sense of humor.One that makes me roll with laughter.
We watched "Chloe" and then had dinner at J.B rivers.A sushi dinner and more laughs.
She really is such an inspirational woman.Having lost her hubby just over a year ago I cannot get over her outlook and love for life and she also had her only child move out and is abt to get married.
Gill just has this amazing aura and I love her company.Can't wait till we meet again prob on the new year.This friendship really shows that no matter the age difference friendships bloom.
I picked her up and we caught a cup of coffee at Seattle before the movie.
Immediately she had me in stitches.Gill had an amazing sense of humor.One that makes me roll with laughter.
We watched "Chloe" and then had dinner at J.B rivers.A sushi dinner and more laughs.
She really is such an inspirational woman.Having lost her hubby just over a year ago I cannot get over her outlook and love for life and she also had her only child move out and is abt to get married.
Gill just has this amazing aura and I love her company.Can't wait till we meet again prob on the new year.This friendship really shows that no matter the age difference friendships bloom.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Need more music in my life
Sat in my car yesterday thinking I have had a year plus of having no radio and enjoying the silence on my journeys but really I so need to get a radio.
I am missing the music in my life.Yeah I get to listen to music at home but sometimes you just need a jingle or two to accompany you on the ride.
I have found a thousand other things to do with my money each month so I have decided its going onto my 2011 list of things I would like :)
I am missing the music in my life.Yeah I get to listen to music at home but sometimes you just need a jingle or two to accompany you on the ride.
I have found a thousand other things to do with my money each month so I have decided its going onto my 2011 list of things I would like :)
Monday, November 15, 2010
another ME day
Ok Ok I don't always have me days-LOL.
I had a bit of a challenging week last week but tackled it by the horns.It still had a draining impact on my body though so I decided to take today off and just de-clutter the brain and enjoy some sun on Camps Bay.
Its been a good weekend filled with special friends and moments but today I still feel like there is this haze in my head of things to clear.
So I am about to put my phone away and just connect with the sea and sun.
I had a bit of a challenging week last week but tackled it by the horns.It still had a draining impact on my body though so I decided to take today off and just de-clutter the brain and enjoy some sun on Camps Bay.
Its been a good weekend filled with special friends and moments but today I still feel like there is this haze in my head of things to clear.
So I am about to put my phone away and just connect with the sea and sun.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Today I had a much needed 'ME DAY'.Its more so enjoyable on a weekday as you can feel that your surrounds have less of a buzz of people around.
Today I invested in a long overdue vacuum :) Been using Yasmins shark and it does not want to charge with the charger she gave me so I guess it was a sign to just do it and buy one.
What a range at Game!I settle of an Electrolux lite.Of course I used my new toy and gave the carpets a good clean this afternoon.It worked well.
I then had a swim at the virgin active in Century City.I was dissapointed with the set-up and the narrow pool!
Oh well I had a good swim and then headed to the beach.It was beautiful-sun on my skin,water breaking gently with a soothing noise,seagulls now and then whizzing by.It was bliss.Bliss was broken now and then by vendors selling their juice and chips and of course the 'granadilla lolly'
It was most relaxing and I hope to go back this wknd.I aim to hit the beach as much as possible this summer.
I have napped for far too long so now wide awake and working at seven-eek!
Today I invested in a long overdue vacuum :) Been using Yasmins shark and it does not want to charge with the charger she gave me so I guess it was a sign to just do it and buy one.
What a range at Game!I settle of an Electrolux lite.Of course I used my new toy and gave the carpets a good clean this afternoon.It worked well.
I then had a swim at the virgin active in Century City.I was dissapointed with the set-up and the narrow pool!
Oh well I had a good swim and then headed to the beach.It was beautiful-sun on my skin,water breaking gently with a soothing noise,seagulls now and then whizzing by.It was bliss.Bliss was broken now and then by vendors selling their juice and chips and of course the 'granadilla lolly'
It was most relaxing and I hope to go back this wknd.I aim to hit the beach as much as possible this summer.
I have napped for far too long so now wide awake and working at seven-eek!
Friday, October 29, 2010
On such a high
Adhil and Kav just completed the More to Life course this past wknd.
What an amazing weekend of transformation for many people-participants and team members.
There really is a difference I feel when I am on the team running the wknd with loved ones doing the course-it makes you want to perform that much more with pride and love.
Been a tiring week and I had a deep longing to go to Jozie to re-fuel_have a change of scene and spend time with friends and family but its not the right time it seems.
Decided to stay put next wknd and re-fuel and chill here in the beauty of the mother city.
Am shocked that there are three more months only till midmar!wow wee
What an amazing weekend of transformation for many people-participants and team members.
There really is a difference I feel when I am on the team running the wknd with loved ones doing the course-it makes you want to perform that much more with pride and love.
Been a tiring week and I had a deep longing to go to Jozie to re-fuel_have a change of scene and spend time with friends and family but its not the right time it seems.
Decided to stay put next wknd and re-fuel and chill here in the beauty of the mother city.
Am shocked that there are three more months only till midmar!wow wee
Friday, October 22, 2010
time for ME
What a nice feeling to wake up this morning and just be.Time is not demanding on me to be somewhere immediately.
I am still in bed :) Had been listening to music,catching up on posts on a blog I love.
Enjoyed a cup of coffee and now wondering in which order should I do the things I need to get done this morning.
Clean my flat,hit the city on foot,go for a swim.The thing is there is a certain vibe in the early morning that glistens in the early morn so I am thinking that first,then a swim then clean my flat.
Hmmmm.... Feeling so excited abt the possibilities that are going to open for people this wknd are am taking the More to life course where I will be serving this wknd.Its long hours but so fulfilling.I can't put the feelings into words that you feel by the sunday night.
My dear brother Adhil and my friend Kav are doing the course so more so is this wknd huge for me in my life and Cashel is also on team.I did my wknd a year ago over this exact same wknd so wow this is huge for me.
Hmmm something just sprung to mind-maybe I should head to sidewalk cafe after a swim for some of the Vredehoek magic after a swim.
I am still in bed :) Had been listening to music,catching up on posts on a blog I love.
Enjoyed a cup of coffee and now wondering in which order should I do the things I need to get done this morning.
Clean my flat,hit the city on foot,go for a swim.The thing is there is a certain vibe in the early morning that glistens in the early morn so I am thinking that first,then a swim then clean my flat.
Hmmmm.... Feeling so excited abt the possibilities that are going to open for people this wknd are am taking the More to life course where I will be serving this wknd.Its long hours but so fulfilling.I can't put the feelings into words that you feel by the sunday night.
My dear brother Adhil and my friend Kav are doing the course so more so is this wknd huge for me in my life and Cashel is also on team.I did my wknd a year ago over this exact same wknd so wow this is huge for me.
Hmmm something just sprung to mind-maybe I should head to sidewalk cafe after a swim for some of the Vredehoek magic after a swim.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Deeper moments
Mama dearest is due to leave back to JHB tomorrow after a most meaningful and enjoyable trip to CPT. Each time I spend time with her it becomes more and more dear to me.This trip has been exceptionally special and close to my heart. It was filled with many kodak moments and it filled this chapter in my life with the most interesting memories. I do feel a sadness that she leaves however it time for Zsa and family to enjoy the joy that mum brings and its time for mum to receive a different dose of joy. I cant help but thinking "What if this is the last" however shouldnt that always be with everyone you get to spend these special moments with.I guess I do always feel like that but more so in mums case.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A successful week
Well I had a most successful week in the first roll out of our official Orient Express brand launch at work. I have taken on the "brand champion" role for the hotel and was responsible for being our OE brand directors right hand "woman" for the launch and with the assistance of some to get the three days on the road. I was most excited as it went off well and this man spoke my language.More on this later ;)
All in all I am having a great week coming home to mum and indulging in her yummy food and have awesome chats and moments.
Today Adhil arrives back from the U.S-cannot wait!!!!!!
I have a feeling today is going to be a bumper day.....
All in all I am having a great week coming home to mum and indulging in her yummy food and have awesome chats and moments.
Today Adhil arrives back from the U.S-cannot wait!!!!!!
I have a feeling today is going to be a bumper day.....
Sunday, October 3, 2010
airport welcomes
Awaiting mamas arrival and looking out for a wheelchair being wheeled through.
Lots of people coming through in the same boat as mum.Saddens me to think your legs give way when you get older.
Can't imagine how the older folk feel going from strong legged beings to deteriorating strength in their legs.
Part of lifes cycle....
Lots of people coming through in the same boat as mum.Saddens me to think your legs give way when you get older.
Can't imagine how the older folk feel going from strong legged beings to deteriorating strength in their legs.
Part of lifes cycle....
Sunday, September 26, 2010
An afternoon with Gill
Today was my only day off this week so I really savoured it and it was so perfectly spent with me having a swim in the beautiful surrounds of those big glass windows with the pouring rain out there.
I experienced some beautiful moments in the water as the light on the pool floor kept changing.
I had a shower and then headed to Gills new abode in Kenilworth.
Gill I had met on my more to life course almost a year ago.A beautiful lady who is probably abt seventy and has a heart of gold.
There is something so special that shines in her.
I have not seen her since abt March and lots has happened in our lives since then.
Gills new home is so cosy and full of beautiful bits that tell interesting stories.
We sat on her new recliner chairs and had tea and ate fruit tartlets.
We had such a fantastic time catching up and I left feeling so inspired.Cannot wait for mum to meet her.
I experienced some beautiful moments in the water as the light on the pool floor kept changing.
I had a shower and then headed to Gills new abode in Kenilworth.
Gill I had met on my more to life course almost a year ago.A beautiful lady who is probably abt seventy and has a heart of gold.
There is something so special that shines in her.
I have not seen her since abt March and lots has happened in our lives since then.
Gills new home is so cosy and full of beautiful bits that tell interesting stories.
We sat on her new recliner chairs and had tea and ate fruit tartlets.
We had such a fantastic time catching up and I left feeling so inspired.Cannot wait for mum to meet her.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
a hug can mean so much
Today in saying goodbye to a friend she suprised me with a hug as a goodbye and this eve I was welcomed into my brothers place with a hug from him.
Hugs can say so much....even if we could hear the words it expresses....but then that won't be the same.
Hugs can say so much....even if we could hear the words it expresses....but then that won't be the same.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sleepy Sue
Had a tad of a rocky nights sleep as there was a party at the Kimberly hotel down the road and it was noisy.
I must have been real tired as I did not hear my sms msgs come through this morn.I had such a great start to my day at Vida on kloof.My all time fave store in the chain. I read the paper and had two chats over the phone and felt so excited and energised.
I then got some work done and now feel so tired.Time to nap before my movie date.
I must have been real tired as I did not hear my sms msgs come through this morn.I had such a great start to my day at Vida on kloof.My all time fave store in the chain. I read the paper and had two chats over the phone and felt so excited and energised.
I then got some work done and now feel so tired.Time to nap before my movie date.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
back from Durbs
Back home in Cpt from a few days in Durbs and am missing the family big time.Please sir...could I have some more?
Back at work yesterday and I was warmly welcomed by my team.They have had a stressful few days-I prefer the word challenging actually.Lots going on and too little time!
I have a crunch few weeks ahead of me and more so need to stay focused and grounded.I so am craving the gym right now but literally there isn't a gap.Aimimg for tomorrow morning.
Back at work yesterday and I was warmly welcomed by my team.They have had a stressful few days-I prefer the word challenging actually.Lots going on and too little time!
I have a crunch few weeks ahead of me and more so need to stay focused and grounded.I so am craving the gym right now but literally there isn't a gap.Aimimg for tomorrow morning.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Teared and teared
For the first time in a LONG time had I teared so much when I left Durbs this eve.When Aroon and the kids dropped me off my tummy turned as I said goodbye to each one of them.I guess it was the first time I got to spend a good amt of time with my three nephews and my niece at once and they at that stage where they were all comfy with me.
It really was such a special bonding few days with them,my siblings and my mum and I got to see really special friends.
Maybe it was also because in the back of my mind my decision of possibly going abroad for a little while makes me think of the special moments I will miss out on....anyway I am now home and exhausted and in need of a good slp.
It really was such a special bonding few days with them,my siblings and my mum and I got to see really special friends.
Maybe it was also because in the back of my mind my decision of possibly going abroad for a little while makes me think of the special moments I will miss out on....anyway I am now home and exhausted and in need of a good slp.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Things that make you feel completely comfy
Every night or even if I have the pleasure of an afternoon nap I cannot go to sleep without removing my earrings no matter how small the studs.
It makes me feel more so comfortable.Strange isn't it.I guess its a sign of just being while you get a wholesome sleep and an earring in my mind I usually wear out.I love analysing the connections ones mind makes with certain items and events.
Anything that you can think of that is similar to this?
It makes me feel more so comfortable.Strange isn't it.I guess its a sign of just being while you get a wholesome sleep and an earring in my mind I usually wear out.I love analysing the connections ones mind makes with certain items and events.
Anything that you can think of that is similar to this?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A Saturday well spent
Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of having brekkies with a friend who I met at the Mount Nelson and has now moved on to another hotel.She has always been an inspiration in my career and it was so good catching up over a yummy brekkies at the new spot "Raw" on Derry street in Vredehoek. It was drizzling but we sat outdoors to get fresh air and had a good chat. Time flew by and then I was off to Aunty Maryannes. We had planned on going for a long drive or a walk to take in some of the CPT beauty but the rain clouds wanted us to stay indoors. We got a dvd "Julie and Julia" which I had seen before but so wanted to see again. We got home and had the most interesting conversations about life.We really can get each other going and love the intensity of the conversations. We then gave the brains a rest and watched the dvd which was as enjoyable as the first time that I watched it. Aunty Maryanne then made a most delicious chicken curry and rice which I thoroughly enjoyed while we watched "Notting Hill" again on tv. I have watched it a few times but have so say its one of my faves.By the end of that I was ready for bed after being up since 05h30am. I drove home feeling so good and nourished by Aunty Maryannes company.There are certain people that fulfill you in such a way you cannot explain.Have you encountered people who give you that feeling in life?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
weird sensations
Have you ever experienced one of those weird moments:
You ordered a choc milkshake and when you sip through the straw its actually vanilla OR you ordered a fruit juice at the drive through and the drink is fizzy!
You start lowering your body to sit on a chair and then its not there or as you sit on it it drops a few levels!Ha ha
You wake up thinking 'What day of the week is it?"
You ordered a choc milkshake and when you sip through the straw its actually vanilla OR you ordered a fruit juice at the drive through and the drink is fizzy!
You start lowering your body to sit on a chair and then its not there or as you sit on it it drops a few levels!Ha ha
You wake up thinking 'What day of the week is it?"
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
false alarm
Last night I got home from a good swim,had a shower and just got into my pjs when the fire alarm in the building went off.I felt an immediate pang of fear in my tummy and the memories of the fires on the mnt.and my evacuation from High Cape came flooding back.I imeddiately wondered if I should grab more items in case we evacuated for a while.
I decided to take just my phone and keys as I had already taken too long finding some clothes to wear.
Turns out it was some persons kitchen mishap and it was a false alarm.Look I sure was not hoping it was a real fire and was relieved.Not many people evacuated their flats and the people on my floor continued to watch their tvs-could hear them blaring...guess they did not hear the alarm?
I decided to take just my phone and keys as I had already taken too long finding some clothes to wear.
Turns out it was some persons kitchen mishap and it was a false alarm.Look I sure was not hoping it was a real fire and was relieved.Not many people evacuated their flats and the people on my floor continued to watch their tvs-could hear them blaring...guess they did not hear the alarm?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A celebration evening
Last night was the completion and celebration evening of those who did the MTL course over this last weekend.It was such a joy to beable to take Yasmin and Erica with me and an extra treat being that Cashel also joined.A most fulfilling evening to see the glow on peoples faces and hear there experiences of the past two days into the real world.I myself who was on the team running the weekend also felt a little out of sorts on Monday morning as I too had some shifts in my life through my weekends experience.So looking forward to the journey that awaits me for the remainder of this year.Durban is up next this weekend for an MTL course-my thoughts are with them as they embark on this journey of awakening.
Friday, August 13, 2010
An awesome catch up!
"Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.""Anne Lindeburgh"
Last night I got to meet and have a good catch up with Adhil after his trip to Greece.I decided on meeting at "The Sidewalk Cafe" as it has a special place in my heart.It has that familiar cosy feeling of the old "Legends" in Durban.The restaurant is a different concept but the feeling is there.I love this restaurant and its quirkiness. It has such interesting bits and props and the food is so good. There Adhil and I were sitting at a table next to an open window and the table next to us were a group of ladies with books stacked on the table and a bottle of wine.It brought more joy to my heart to see women out there doing this.The atmosphere was amazing and the open door with the fresh air flowing in just all added to the magic of the magic of the evening.Adhil and I sat there sharing recent stories of our journeys and having a real heart to heart.I left feeling such a sense of proudness of my brother....fantastic achievements and I was proud to hear about his vision for his future.....There was something so special in my heart last night...there is just something about a natter with a sibling.
Last night I got to meet and have a good catch up with Adhil after his trip to Greece.I decided on meeting at "The Sidewalk Cafe" as it has a special place in my heart.It has that familiar cosy feeling of the old "Legends" in Durban.The restaurant is a different concept but the feeling is there.I love this restaurant and its quirkiness. It has such interesting bits and props and the food is so good. There Adhil and I were sitting at a table next to an open window and the table next to us were a group of ladies with books stacked on the table and a bottle of wine.It brought more joy to my heart to see women out there doing this.The atmosphere was amazing and the open door with the fresh air flowing in just all added to the magic of the magic of the evening.Adhil and I sat there sharing recent stories of our journeys and having a real heart to heart.I left feeling such a sense of proudness of my brother....fantastic achievements and I was proud to hear about his vision for his future.....There was something so special in my heart last night...there is just something about a natter with a sibling.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Some pics
I discovered I typed up a long entry with some pics and then it didnt save!
Here are some pics in the mean time from the past few months special events in my life.Eek mum and I are sideways for now!Ooh that reminds me of a movie I thoroughly enjoyed called 'Sideways"....hmm maybe I should rent it out again.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
found some awesome blog sites today
I am so excited that through my berry I now have more freedom to blog.Was a bit of a mission before but hey there is no better time like the present.Found a cool blog on insight to the daily life of a lady in N.Y and the other is coffee spots in S.A Will add their addresses to this entry soon.Gee you would swear I did not sleep last night as I have been dozing the whole afternoon!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
mission possible
I had planned a girls weekend for my 30th bday which took careful plotting and planning and ran a risk of not happening however I have a big smile on my face that it happened.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sick and in bed
No one enjoys being home ill but I realised I need to accept it and realise this my body saying take it easy and time out!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
US of A....
So I am here in the warm and charming town CHARLESTON-SC. I have had an amazing week one and am loving experiencing a new world.I am not going to blog much on this trip as I am keeping a written journal while here. Will try to update a line now and then though.Off to a 2 hour yoga session real soon-cant wait!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Parking tickets
Next time you get into the parking lot or exit look at how many people keep the ticket between their lips.Its actually funny watching some people keep it there for ages.I have had some moments where I have cut my lip especially with the gym parking lot tickets as they stick to your lip and then when you pull it off your lip it cuts your lip!!!!Yesterday this dude in another car and I were both leaving the parking with the tickets between our lips(note he was in his own car-it was not between OUR lips...LOL) and I chuckled at how silly we looked. The parking ticket.....can so easily be lost and cause a frustration as when you get out of the car you generally tend to slot it in somewhere convenient as your mind is not on the location of where you placing it and more on where you heading to so 6/10 when you trying to find your ticket you cannot locate it quick enough.Funny this little piece of paper material can cause frustration-you should observe people paying at the pay station-it can be amusing.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Live your life
I have been having such a run of productive weeks-I AM LOVING IT!!!!!This week was supposedly a short work week but it sure felt long but awesome.I had such special moments with people and I achieved so much on the work front.
Yesterday a reminder was sent our way that life can be so short.Jeremy and his friend went climbing and are experienced climbers however they had an accident and both fell and Jeremys friend did not survive.They were two good friends heading out to do something they enjoy and are passionate about and who would have thought that this was going to happen.This is is unpredictable...When I heard about this I thought about Richard Branson and when he wanted to go in a hot air balloon around the world and he knew he was taking a big risk as the first person who attempted it did not survive.Despite him having a wife and children he said that he must seek adventure and live his dreams.He followed his heart and survived-Jeremys friend also went out doing something he is passionate about however had a freak accident.
Yesterday a reminder was sent our way that life can be so short.Jeremy and his friend went climbing and are experienced climbers however they had an accident and both fell and Jeremys friend did not survive.They were two good friends heading out to do something they enjoy and are passionate about and who would have thought that this was going to happen.This is is unpredictable...When I heard about this I thought about Richard Branson and when he wanted to go in a hot air balloon around the world and he knew he was taking a big risk as the first person who attempted it did not survive.Despite him having a wife and children he said that he must seek adventure and live his dreams.He followed his heart and survived-Jeremys friend also went out doing something he is passionate about however had a freak accident.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Single in the city

On Saturday past I got to spend the day with one of my closest and dearest friends "Tatum"aka "Taits".We were more so excited that we were going to see each other as I have not seen Tatum since she did the More to Life course.We now as I mentioned to Grant "belong to the same tribe."LOL people it is not a cult or anything zany.We met at the "Osumo" at Canal Walk and got chatting over breakies.Of course no one else would get a chance to gap in when we get chatting.Our phones are in the background and its just heart to heart chats.We had a yummy breakies I might add.I had the bircher muesli with cinnamon and grated apple and Tatum has the health breakies-fruit and muesli.We had a vida coffee to accompany this yummy breakies but let me tell you that this was the first time I found the service to be sloppy!!!Anyhoo the blog entry this time around is NOT about service standards which as you know is one of my biggest passions in life.We decided to leave the mall as I really do not like being in this big indoor buildings without fresh air and being able to see the beauty of nature.Before we left Tatum asked if we could go past "Browns." I thought as in the clothing store as it was Grants bday and Tatum had not got him anything yet and then a few mins later I clicked that Tatum said she wanted me to see what she has in mind and share it with me....the rock!!!!!Silly me!Just shows how I do not think in those lines.I must say that it was the weirdest feeling sitting there seeing Tatum trying on rings and talking ring lingo with the assistant.Clueless me sat there admiring all the bling and when the assitant asked me if I would like to try something on as I do not have to be getting married to do(Duh!!!) I had this turn in my tummy at the thought of one day making this huge step in my life and having to compromise my selfish life at the moment where I do not have to consider another.Tatum also asked me later in the afternoon if I was ready to meet someone which got me thinking if I have given off vibes all this time that I aint.Well the answer is "YES" I am open to it and I have been telling people for the longest time now that "HE" is looking for me and everyday I feel he is a day closer to finding me.Life as it is is booming for me and 2010 is my year so if he joins me for the adventures of 2010 that will be swell and if not thats just as swell.Girls often say they are tired of people saying "When the time is right..." but you know what??I truely believe in my heart that when the universe would like to send someone-a life companion my way it will.For now I will continue enjoying being "Single in the City..."
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A response to my thank you note
Good was such a delight this morning to come in and see this response to my e-mail that I sent to the trainer that did the last MTL weekend where I assisted on team.This really warmed my heart this morning.My wish for you today is a "world class day" and I hope you have many heart warming moments too.
"Thank you for giving me some more background Soraya, it really helps to see how far you have come and all you have changed in your life to be Masterful!!!! Well done indeed. It was such a pleasure to be with you and your pretty dress and shoes, so immaculate and conscious, it was a true feast on so many levels."Briggy Kiddle
"Thank you for giving me some more background Soraya, it really helps to see how far you have come and all you have changed in your life to be Masterful!!!! Well done indeed. It was such a pleasure to be with you and your pretty dress and shoes, so immaculate and conscious, it was a true feast on so many levels."Briggy Kiddle
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A sad farewell
Today we bid farewell to our MD who has managed the hotel for the past 21 years. Him stepping down came as a complete and unexpected suprise. Today was his party in the ballroom and to see this gentle soul give his speech was moving. Gee-after 21 years of fantastic service how do you say goodbye??He sure did give a great speech and our new MD taking over made light of the matter and cut the sadness in the air.Hmmm I must say that at this hotel they do say that you can tell your worth by the spread at your farewell and I must say here they pulled out the spread including a carving station with yummy looking beef.It was so touching to see past staff members come to bid farewell.It was a surreal moment for me to see this person who gave 21 years of sweat and blood conclude his service in this speech.He held his composure so well despite the circumstances-up until now we do not know the real reason he was let off and I am sure it was not pleasant.I admired this man standing up there delivering such a fantastic heartfelt speech. A sad farewell however as he says a change IS good and I look forward to experiencing our new Italian gent at the reigns!!!!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A saturday morning spent with my boet
Yesterday was one of those awesome mornings spent with my boet.We headed off real early to Home affairs to fetch Adhils ID and then got to the Biscuit Mill for breakies.I love getting there early in the morning for numerous reasons and if you know me well enough I do not have to explain to you why I love early mornings. We waited patiently for our Origin coffee which is usually the first round we have at the market and that is a given.We waited patiently as the power cut at the stand however I got chatting to someone in the line.Here again I loved it as really who said that we cannot chat to the person standing next to you as you dont know each other from a bar of soap.Seems she used to sell wines to the MNH so we had lots to talk about.Dills and I did not indulge this time around and all we had was some great fruit.You can never go wrong at that fruit stand and the selection of fruit in there is so good.We then headed off to the Cape Quarter in search of the Origin coffee headquarters where we had another coffee and took in that rich aroma of the beans.Nice little joint and as Adhil said my search for this place has now come to an end.I then also managed to scout the location of Cafe Max which I believe serves awesome brekkies and I have been invited by the manager to try it out. We just drove by and once again I had this grin on my face loving the fact that there are all this hidden little gems in CPT.I have to hit the shower now as Yas and I are off to the Taste fair but do come back for the continuation of this blog post.Back to finish this post.....So all in all it was a great morning with my boet and I can stamp it as a "PERFECT" morning. Got to say goodbye to Dills again on sunday morning and am glad to hear he is safe and sound in the U.S.The Taste fair was a nice hour and a half out in the sun and a great atmosphere but for me a rip off of note.R80 gets you into the grounds and R 20 for parking.You then have to buy a booklet of vouchers for R100 minimum and each of the good samples you want to try from the top hotels who are showing off their skills and cullinary delights charge you about R40-R50 for thre fork fulls!Hmmm for me it was so not worth it and thank goodness we had comps.
Yas and I then spent the afternoon @ Anu where we had a most delicous veg lunch.It was so good to sit in a family environment around a table.REALLY MISS THAT!
It was a most enjoyable and well balanced weekend once again and I am so looking forward to this long weekend as I aim to finish my book and learn more spanish on the earworms cd-borrowed it from Adhil.It teaches you spanish and it plays a tune in the background which helps you learn.Its been great fun thus far and now and then I find myself dancing to the music and shouting out the words!
Yas and I then spent the afternoon @ Anu where we had a most delicous veg lunch.It was so good to sit in a family environment around a table.REALLY MISS THAT!
It was a most enjoyable and well balanced weekend once again and I am so looking forward to this long weekend as I aim to finish my book and learn more spanish on the earworms cd-borrowed it from Adhil.It teaches you spanish and it plays a tune in the background which helps you learn.Its been great fun thus far and now and then I find myself dancing to the music and shouting out the words!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Birthday gift ideas
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Taking in the early morning city vibe(Wednesday)
After ages have I had a day off mid-week.I worked last Saturday and I thought let me take my day due on a wednesday as opposed to the Monday that people tend to take.Two days ago I decided that on this day off I am going to put on my All stars and hit the city centre at 8am and take in the sounds and surrounds.I sure hit the street just before 8am after having a very broken nights sleep as I fell asleep way too early-something silly like 20h30 while watching "entourage" and then I woke up to hectic howling winds outside.Anyhoo not feeling tired or I headed down towards Greenmarket square and did a few laps around the block taking different side roads each time.The amount of little hidden take aways and coffee shops I could not count and each packed with their regular morning customers.As tempting as it was to take a seat at the Vida which has this tables and chairs spilling onto another square-I can not recall the name I thought I have to try something new so I found myself in "crave" which looks out onto Greenmarket Square. I ordered a coffee and a seeded biscuit and watched the passing scene.This sort of questions popped into my mind while sitting there for just about an hour:
*How many cobble stones make up Greenmarket square?
*How many take aways cups of coffee are made in the city centre in the morning and that made me think about how many are made world wide every morning?
*The lady dressed all smartly in black and white trying to walk on the cobbles in her heels-is she on her way to an interview?
*How much does the lady earn a day who is setting up her stand in the curio market so passionately and with such care?
*Does the security guard enjoy watching this morning scene or is it just a way to earn some money and nothing more?
*Where are the group of young tourists off to next who are boarding the bus?
*Does the gent walking with a huge camera around his neck know that it is not such a great idea?
*Meena and I could open up something someday like this deli I am sitting in with a very girly corporate feel?
Those are a few of the things that were going through my mind....
I then walked around more and more taking in the details of the buildings that one never gets to notice in a car. I popped into a few shops in Long street and while in the one shop a lady said to me "You look so nice and comfy" and I with a big smily said "I do feel so comfy."(I was kitted in my jeans,grey track top and grey all stars)I managed to go find the much talked about shop that sells bunny chows in Rheede street arcade. At last I saw the "Curry inn" and will def take Chantel V to sample one one day.We have talked about doing this for ages now.When making my way home I headed through the company gardens-there was a stills shoot going on and I was suprised to see the amount of people passing through and I must say it was so beautiful. I looked at the different characters and enjoyed the greenery. I also realised that there is a tourism office in the park.
Oh how can I forget that I also popped into "Tommys second hand bookstore" and found all sorts of good reads including Archie comics!!!!Meena I am so going to get you some.
What a fab day.......
Anyhoo have to run-this post is a day later than the event as my internet kicked me off at home......
*How many cobble stones make up Greenmarket square?
*How many take aways cups of coffee are made in the city centre in the morning and that made me think about how many are made world wide every morning?
*The lady dressed all smartly in black and white trying to walk on the cobbles in her heels-is she on her way to an interview?
*How much does the lady earn a day who is setting up her stand in the curio market so passionately and with such care?
*Does the security guard enjoy watching this morning scene or is it just a way to earn some money and nothing more?
*Where are the group of young tourists off to next who are boarding the bus?
*Does the gent walking with a huge camera around his neck know that it is not such a great idea?
*Meena and I could open up something someday like this deli I am sitting in with a very girly corporate feel?
Those are a few of the things that were going through my mind....
I then walked around more and more taking in the details of the buildings that one never gets to notice in a car. I popped into a few shops in Long street and while in the one shop a lady said to me "You look so nice and comfy" and I with a big smily said "I do feel so comfy."(I was kitted in my jeans,grey track top and grey all stars)I managed to go find the much talked about shop that sells bunny chows in Rheede street arcade. At last I saw the "Curry inn" and will def take Chantel V to sample one one day.We have talked about doing this for ages now.When making my way home I headed through the company gardens-there was a stills shoot going on and I was suprised to see the amount of people passing through and I must say it was so beautiful. I looked at the different characters and enjoyed the greenery. I also realised that there is a tourism office in the park.
Oh how can I forget that I also popped into "Tommys second hand bookstore" and found all sorts of good reads including Archie comics!!!!Meena I am so going to get you some.
What a fab day.......
Anyhoo have to run-this post is a day later than the event as my internet kicked me off at home......
Monday, March 15, 2010
Going to the blood bank

I have not given blood for the longest time now and I have been longing to give blood and just never got down to doing it.
I looked up on-line to see where is the nearest place in the city centre that I can go give blood. Well what do you know there is a set up clinic in the church hall in walking distance from my place on Wednesday afternoon and I will be on a day off work! I am not a fan of needles but I keep thinking of the good it will do so think of me going to do my bit.I urge you to go make a difference as well.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Keep left pass right

I often wonder why people walk all over a stairway?? Is it not a universal thing to "Keep Left,Pass right"? Maybe this is just my belief. It often gets to me as then you start dancing on the stairs uncomfortably. As it is when you in a supermarket aisle and you start dancing around someone as there are trolleys abandoned in the centre of the aisle one feels silly.Now imagine dancing on the stairs with an added challenge of keeping your balance AND if you famous you have to make sure that the "HEAT" or "PEOPLE" magazine did not catch you doing some weird dance!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Did not make it to be a scout
I missed being able to be a female scout as back in the day there were only "brownies" which was far too girly for me.
I think I had wanted to get out there and be adventurous and serve a community and now that I have joined the "More to Life" community I feel this makes up for that. This past weekend was oh so amazing and rewarding. I "played on team" where you get to be part of the team that runs the weekend for the course. My role this weekend was to assist with the registration process on the opening night and then I was given a role at the last minute to see to the trainers catering. This was an immediate shock to the system as I received the call late thursday afternoon prior to the course. E-mails were sent to me regarding the trainers needs and likes and dislikes however I was only able to access these mails on Friday morning. I was immediately thrown out of my comfort zone as I have been carrying around this belief in me that I have been working on for a while that I am not so good in the kitchen as for years my mum has chuckled or has voiced that I lack in kitchen skills.
I managed to work this out of my system over the weekend by chatting to an experienced facilitator and I actually rocked the role! My assitant and I had a fall out on Saturday as she was a stressball all over the place without a plan and I felt like I was in Gordan Ramseys Hells Kitchen. When she walked out in mid conversation a light shone out of me as I realised that I was able to detach from the drama this woman created for herself. I realised that I have grown so much as a person as the old sensitive Sue would have felt rotten and would have wanted to have analysed what happened. I was then made captain for the next day and immediately got onto drawing up a set plan of how the day will unfold and who is responsible for what! Everything was clear cut and of course I knew that sometimes plans can change but I was prepared and working around something. All went so smoothly and when my assistant did not return for the afternoon due to her home being broken into I was so calm and felt in control. A team member stepped in to offer carrying the dishes with me to the trainer and at the end of the weekend it felt so good to hear that the trainer thought all her meals were impeccable and I got to stand up and take in the acknowledgment for it from the team and the trainer. Its funny how things work out as initially this was the role offered to me and I turned it down as I said I am not comfortable in the role and then a day before the weekend the person who was suppose to do the role could not make it. I looked at it positively and thought well here the universe has sent it back to me to push me out of my comfort zone to make me grow as a person and after all that is what I want for 2010. I want to push my abilities to the max and GROW!!!!
The weekend as mentioned was hell of a rewarding and more so that Sahil and Anushka reaped such benefits and I got to meet such amazing people and serve! All the long hours are voluntary and the pay off is amazing. I also walked away feeling super grateful for the close relationship I have with my siblings and mum as I met a few people yearning for relationships with their loved ones. Hearing Anushka thank me for introducing her and Sahil to a new way of life was so special and I know we will continue to spread this experience through the world. I feel so good to be part of this MTL community that spreads such wholesomeness through the world and gives people the opportunity to live the lives they should!!!!
I think I had wanted to get out there and be adventurous and serve a community and now that I have joined the "More to Life" community I feel this makes up for that. This past weekend was oh so amazing and rewarding. I "played on team" where you get to be part of the team that runs the weekend for the course. My role this weekend was to assist with the registration process on the opening night and then I was given a role at the last minute to see to the trainers catering. This was an immediate shock to the system as I received the call late thursday afternoon prior to the course. E-mails were sent to me regarding the trainers needs and likes and dislikes however I was only able to access these mails on Friday morning. I was immediately thrown out of my comfort zone as I have been carrying around this belief in me that I have been working on for a while that I am not so good in the kitchen as for years my mum has chuckled or has voiced that I lack in kitchen skills.
I managed to work this out of my system over the weekend by chatting to an experienced facilitator and I actually rocked the role! My assitant and I had a fall out on Saturday as she was a stressball all over the place without a plan and I felt like I was in Gordan Ramseys Hells Kitchen. When she walked out in mid conversation a light shone out of me as I realised that I was able to detach from the drama this woman created for herself. I realised that I have grown so much as a person as the old sensitive Sue would have felt rotten and would have wanted to have analysed what happened. I was then made captain for the next day and immediately got onto drawing up a set plan of how the day will unfold and who is responsible for what! Everything was clear cut and of course I knew that sometimes plans can change but I was prepared and working around something. All went so smoothly and when my assistant did not return for the afternoon due to her home being broken into I was so calm and felt in control. A team member stepped in to offer carrying the dishes with me to the trainer and at the end of the weekend it felt so good to hear that the trainer thought all her meals were impeccable and I got to stand up and take in the acknowledgment for it from the team and the trainer. Its funny how things work out as initially this was the role offered to me and I turned it down as I said I am not comfortable in the role and then a day before the weekend the person who was suppose to do the role could not make it. I looked at it positively and thought well here the universe has sent it back to me to push me out of my comfort zone to make me grow as a person and after all that is what I want for 2010. I want to push my abilities to the max and GROW!!!!
The weekend as mentioned was hell of a rewarding and more so that Sahil and Anushka reaped such benefits and I got to meet such amazing people and serve! All the long hours are voluntary and the pay off is amazing. I also walked away feeling super grateful for the close relationship I have with my siblings and mum as I met a few people yearning for relationships with their loved ones. Hearing Anushka thank me for introducing her and Sahil to a new way of life was so special and I know we will continue to spread this experience through the world. I feel so good to be part of this MTL community that spreads such wholesomeness through the world and gives people the opportunity to live the lives they should!!!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Outdated radio and tv adverts
Why is it that often you get an add running past the date for the event that it is advertising for? Eg: A concert might be running 05-07 Feb and the advert still runs for a week later? I have picked this up for years?I can understand the advertising bit however this does not make sense if the event has past already or if the competition deadline is over?????
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Lifes special gifts
I recently got back from another beautiful weekend in Durban-actually Natal I should say as we stayed in PMB for the weekend. Dills and I went back after being there 2 weekends before for the Midmar Mile this time. It was our first time swimming two miles-one on the Saturday and one on the Sunday.We started off with an early morning flight and Dills and I flew at the same time on different carriers. I so enjoyed watching the early morning vibe at the airport-I so enjoy airports. Lots of stories that the imagination can concoct as to what people are all about. I for a change could not wait to get up into the air and observe the morning sunrise from the sky.Yes this comes from Miss Sue who has always had a fear of flying and has been facing this fear for years now and working through it. I have come along way however there is still a trace of fear somewhere in me.Hopefully one day it will completely be gone. I have read in many articles that this fear is actually something common however people do not readily voice it of course. We were met by the lean machine Aroon and we siblings headed off for a breakfast before the weekend took off. There was such an excitement in the air and Zsa you definitely were in my thoughts. I so wish you were there for the Midmar weekend however I know next year you will be there swimming 8 miles with us! Yes people we are challenging ourselves to the 8 mile swim and I know we can do it.Imagine the sight of us 4 siblings doing this event together. I was so thrilled to have Heidi join the family event as well as swim the Sunday event.On some of our weekends away the entire Burnham Patel family have not always been present so this for me was a truly magical weekend. We stayed in a b&b in PMB which was pleasant and our host Carine was awesome. Her breakfast on the Saturday morning that she prepared for us was so delicious and not greasy at all. I am more a person who indulges in the continental breakfast and avoids the hot meal however as I was swimming a big event this was a must. It was so yum I tell you! All in all I think I can say we were all on such a high-our training paid off and to have family and friends come through to support us and to have so many of our friends swim on the Sunday was awesome. The weekend was full of magical family moments and mum sure was in her element having us all together and seeing us do well at the swim. I call mum the "coach" as she always has these tips and advise leading up to the event and gets involved-its real funny.On Sunday night I managed to squeeze in a dinner with Tatum and Kamal @ Spigs and it was one of those evenings where I sat and gleamed with joy that the three of us were together again having a most yummy meal and sharing where we at on our lifes journey. On the Monday I had some me time nourishing my soul by swimming in Aroons pool and enjoying the warmth of the sun. I do not get to swim in Cpt as it is freezing so this was an absolute treat. Later that afternoon I got to meet with Meena over lunch-crazy R29.00 lunch special @ Bangkok Wok!!!! I had a chicken red curry with jasmine rice which was so good.Mum joined as well and it was great getting more QT with her. Meena and I thought we might not get to see each other however it seems everything fell into place.
I look back at the weekend and think WOW what a magical weekend full of special moments and conversations. I really cant understand how families and friends allow lifes silly arguments or issues come between them. I treasure my family and friends so much and they really enrich my life-cannot imagine life without them. There are so many people out there who have not chatted to their own siblings in years or lack a solid relationship and also lose friends over petty things-gee guys you are so missing out on lifes special gifts.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Getting my beat back....
Well this morning I woke up still feeling flat and tired.I had to go out to run some errands and when I got back was so pooped.I managed to finish the business book "Tribes".Worth a read peeps!Thanks to Dills for buying me this book.I then relaxed for a while and it was so cool to rcv a call from Dills and immediately hearing his chirpy voice over his infected chest was infectious and it made me feel better just a lil more.
I had to get out of bed again to go for my threading apt.(you cannot cancel this apt as it is SO difficult to get a slot)and then I was oh so looking forward to meeting with my "More to Life" support partner "Gill". We have not seen each other since the mastery classes so I was real excited and I had a feeling after seeing her I was going to feel even more so better and true enough mentally I feel so energised now as I type this. It was more so a special afternoon spent with her over tea as today was her husbands 1st death anniversary.I could see the pain in her eyes however she was her bubbly self and had me in stitches as she always does. This lady is an amazing person who oozes with this positive energy and has a humor of note.She is so knowledgeable as well and I always leave our meetings feeling so good after all the giggles and I feel I leave her company a wiser person.
She so sweetly had the tea tray prepared before my arrival and two tarts to accompany the tea.(almond and milk)We sat in the sunny porch area which is a cute lounge set up.Her home is surrounded by greenery and today there was this breeze flowing through the house.Her chimes were going off which hang from the window and the leaves were rustling. It was such a beautiful sound and there were these rays of sunshine pouring in.It was so MAGICAL. We had a good chinwag discussing all sorts of topics and I got to see the art she painted at summer school.Gill is into all sorts of hobbies including rubber stamping!!!I used to love that when younger.We chatted for ages and then I had to ask Gill how she is coping with the one year and she was so positive in her answer and I could see that she genuinely is at peace with the fact that he is gone. I left there feeling so happy for her and inspired as she told me that yesterday she started painting again on perspex which she has not done since her hubby's death and she did this in his shed and she said she felt he was there encouraging her and she was so thrilled and on a high once she got the brushes going.Next month I have offered to take her out to watch a movie-this came about as when we were exchanging notes about book club I mentioned to her that mum had given me the "Potato peel pie society" book and her face lit up saying it has taken her club by storm and she enjoyed it immensely despite the sadness in there as well and she mentioned that a movie might be coming out at some stage based on the book!Anyhoo so I thought hey I should offer to take Gill out to a movie and she was thrilled!!!Made me think of when I used to take Aunty Joan to the movies at Gateway-I sure miss our movie dates.I am now of course home and typing this entry and relieved to be able to sit on my couch again after it was taken over by clean washing dumped on it for a while!!!!!!My couch has forgiven me and now I am snug on it and about to read my Potato pie book!
I had to get out of bed again to go for my threading apt.(you cannot cancel this apt as it is SO difficult to get a slot)and then I was oh so looking forward to meeting with my "More to Life" support partner "Gill". We have not seen each other since the mastery classes so I was real excited and I had a feeling after seeing her I was going to feel even more so better and true enough mentally I feel so energised now as I type this. It was more so a special afternoon spent with her over tea as today was her husbands 1st death anniversary.I could see the pain in her eyes however she was her bubbly self and had me in stitches as she always does. This lady is an amazing person who oozes with this positive energy and has a humor of note.She is so knowledgeable as well and I always leave our meetings feeling so good after all the giggles and I feel I leave her company a wiser person.
She so sweetly had the tea tray prepared before my arrival and two tarts to accompany the tea.(almond and milk)We sat in the sunny porch area which is a cute lounge set up.Her home is surrounded by greenery and today there was this breeze flowing through the house.Her chimes were going off which hang from the window and the leaves were rustling. It was such a beautiful sound and there were these rays of sunshine pouring in.It was so MAGICAL. We had a good chinwag discussing all sorts of topics and I got to see the art she painted at summer school.Gill is into all sorts of hobbies including rubber stamping!!!I used to love that when younger.We chatted for ages and then I had to ask Gill how she is coping with the one year and she was so positive in her answer and I could see that she genuinely is at peace with the fact that he is gone. I left there feeling so happy for her and inspired as she told me that yesterday she started painting again on perspex which she has not done since her hubby's death and she did this in his shed and she said she felt he was there encouraging her and she was so thrilled and on a high once she got the brushes going.Next month I have offered to take her out to watch a movie-this came about as when we were exchanging notes about book club I mentioned to her that mum had given me the "Potato peel pie society" book and her face lit up saying it has taken her club by storm and she enjoyed it immensely despite the sadness in there as well and she mentioned that a movie might be coming out at some stage based on the book!Anyhoo so I thought hey I should offer to take Gill out to a movie and she was thrilled!!!Made me think of when I used to take Aunty Joan to the movies at Gateway-I sure miss our movie dates.I am now of course home and typing this entry and relieved to be able to sit on my couch again after it was taken over by clean washing dumped on it for a while!!!!!!My couch has forgiven me and now I am snug on it and about to read my Potato pie book!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Time out
Last weekend I went to Durban to attend Mahesh and Rashikas' wedding and also do a triathlon.It was such an amazing weekend filled with special moments.Here are a few that come to mind:
*firsty seeing Azizs' face as I exited the doors at the airport
*Indulging in Durban litchis with Aroon and Aziz on the way home
*Getting to watch the boys have their guitar lessons including Aroon
*A workout at the Virgin active in Gateway-(it felt so relaxing and refreshing to be at another branch)
*An early morning swim with the boys @ the beach
*Breakfast after the swim (Meena joined in)
*Having my make up and sari draped with mum
*A beautiful wedding surrounded by good friends and family
*An unexpected performance from Aroon on his guitar for me accompanied by him singing(this was super special)
*Sunday morning getting to sit between Adam and Aziz on the way to the event
*Support and cheer from friends at the event(Michelle,Daz,Anu and family,Uncle Ramesh and Aunty Divs,Aunty Val,Dills)
A chilled afternoon with the family and friends over a braai however Heidi and the boys were missed who were at a party
*A spin in the Chev
*A night at Meenas place-(we got to have a super catch up despite me being exhausted and having a headache of note) It was much needed
*breakfast at the Oyster Box and a site inspection accompanied by Meena and thanks to Joey M(Concierge @ MNH)Meena and I got to chat more. (No we dont ever run out of things to say and spending time together is so so special)
*Meena and I spending time with mum over a light meal(this was a treat as we hardly get to spend time with mum out and about)
*Meena being so willing to take me to the airport(this seemed like no effort to her and a given and this was so amazing for me)
All in all a short but meaningful weekend and I so look forward to the Midmar mile weekend coming up. This week I have been flat on my back due to flu symptoms!!!So frustrating.I guess it means I need to slow down and give my body a chance to recover and just chill.This week despite me feeling frustrated from not being able to gym has had many magical moments for me and I am ever so grateful for it.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The toilet roll
How often is it that you walk into a public toilet or a toilet in your own home or a friends home where you get to the loo and the brown board is on the loo roll and no one has bothered to change it!What baffles me even more if that this happens in our own homes and family or friends homes where the toilet rolls are usually in arms reach in the cupboard there in the bathroom??Why do people generally leave it for the next person to change?Are people lazy?Is it beneath them?Are people too in a hurry to do other things in life VS a few seconds to change a toilet roll?I have never understood this?In a public toilet is it not strange how people feel it takes too much time to push the lever in the holder to drop the next roll?What do you think?I think that laziness plays a big part here!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Human behaviour mind boggling I tell you
I love sitting and watching human behavioral patterns. It is so fascinating.
On a daily basis we work with our immediate team and others within the building that our sales team is based.
Every morning when my immediate team arrive we all greet each other and ask about the morning so far or how their evening was etc however it baffles me that other team members that arrive who share the same floor with us literally a meter away from our desks do not greet on arrival and hours can go by until you interact over picking up something at the printer and they start engaging in conversation with you for the first time for that day as if we had chatted earlier and there is no acknowledgement that this is the first interaction for the day. Some others come into the office and start chatting about work without a "Hello" and they go on as if they have seen you several times for the day. Do people just take each other for granted that they will be there on a daily basis and there is no need for greeting??Hang on.....I feel the same when collegues sitting within meters of you get up and leave for the day without saying goodbye. Initially I use to find this outright rude and then I realised that they are "sleep walkers."They are just not in tune with the moment and are already thinking of a million other things instead of being in tune with their colleagues and surroundings.
I actually pointed it out to a colleague the other day that I greet him every day and that sometimes at 1pm in the afternoon we will have our first bit of banter for the first time even though we can see each other from where we sit. He greeted me first for the first time the other morning and we had a good chuckle however nothing has changed.
We also attend management meetings where we interact with other managers that we hardly see in days and when everyone arrives in the boardroom people just sit down and don't greet?????
Human behavior-mind boggling I tell you!!!!!
On a daily basis we work with our immediate team and others within the building that our sales team is based.
Every morning when my immediate team arrive we all greet each other and ask about the morning so far or how their evening was etc however it baffles me that other team members that arrive who share the same floor with us literally a meter away from our desks do not greet on arrival and hours can go by until you interact over picking up something at the printer and they start engaging in conversation with you for the first time for that day as if we had chatted earlier and there is no acknowledgement that this is the first interaction for the day. Some others come into the office and start chatting about work without a "Hello" and they go on as if they have seen you several times for the day. Do people just take each other for granted that they will be there on a daily basis and there is no need for greeting??Hang on.....I feel the same when collegues sitting within meters of you get up and leave for the day without saying goodbye. Initially I use to find this outright rude and then I realised that they are "sleep walkers."They are just not in tune with the moment and are already thinking of a million other things instead of being in tune with their colleagues and surroundings.
I actually pointed it out to a colleague the other day that I greet him every day and that sometimes at 1pm in the afternoon we will have our first bit of banter for the first time even though we can see each other from where we sit. He greeted me first for the first time the other morning and we had a good chuckle however nothing has changed.
We also attend management meetings where we interact with other managers that we hardly see in days and when everyone arrives in the boardroom people just sit down and don't greet?????
Human behavior-mind boggling I tell you!!!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Its all about "experiences" this year
"Experiences" is one of my buzz words for this year.At the end of the day as mentioned on a previous posting I think I mentioned that "experiences" one can never take away from you however material things can be.When its your time to rest you cant take these material things with you. I am not saying I dont enjoy certain material things-we all do.These things add to the joy in ones life and may ignite an experience however dont focus on things that wont add value.Today I am heading off to "The Strandloper" ( fulfill an experience that both my mum and I have wanted to explore for many years now. I figured a spur of the moment days leave to fulfill this for my mum before she leaves will be priceless. We have a beautiful 27 degrees in the mother city and we going to hit the west coast soon.....Cant wait...Talking about experiences I was most touched yesterday to have been copied in on an e-mail from a long staying guest to our MD where he oozed with beautiful words about the hotel and mentioned that he does not like to single out staff members however wanted to thank me for a few things that made a difference to their experience. Not only did they put a big smile on my face but they really warmed my heart to see another happy guest leave with an amazing experience. I went to see them and thank them for the touching words and spent some time with them while they had their cherry on the top to end of their stay....the indulgent afternoon tea. What a great elderly couple....we exchanged a few words and shared many laughs and banter about our lifes experiences. There really is something oh so special about spending time with the elderly. I wish you a day full of great joy and experiences too.....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A shift in mindset
This past few weeks have been full of such pleasant moments with family,friends and strangers. I am loving this "new Sue" who is open to conversation with total strangers. I cannot believe I have lived in a bubble where I have given off this "Dont talk to me" signals. You cant blame me with applying this to guys as in Durbs I think I came across many forward or as the Capetonians say "volbaarig" guys.
Even swimming in the pool the other day-I got to the lane and from the other end this dude starts waving at me signaling it is ok to join his lane. I felt like I knew him at the way he was so comfortably waving out to me a complete stranger. LOL
I also realised recently that I have now acquired a skill to listen to someone moan without taking their negatives vibes onto me and I am able to remain fairly numb to the situation however give guidance and walk away not carrying their load. Oh oh oh and something else I discovered that I am able to do is when I find myself in a situation where I don't really feel like doing something I tap into my thoughts and my mind talk and in a matter of seconds I can lift my thoughts and its as if this visor lifts and I see the situation differently. I am just loving all these new realisations-the mind sure is a powerful thing.
Even swimming in the pool the other day-I got to the lane and from the other end this dude starts waving at me signaling it is ok to join his lane. I felt like I knew him at the way he was so comfortably waving out to me a complete stranger. LOL
I also realised recently that I have now acquired a skill to listen to someone moan without taking their negatives vibes onto me and I am able to remain fairly numb to the situation however give guidance and walk away not carrying their load. Oh oh oh and something else I discovered that I am able to do is when I find myself in a situation where I don't really feel like doing something I tap into my thoughts and my mind talk and in a matter of seconds I can lift my thoughts and its as if this visor lifts and I see the situation differently. I am just loving all these new realisations-the mind sure is a powerful thing.
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