So I guess the wanting to move out and find my own TWO feet and not live with boet and give him his space fell flat BUT was a great experience for me and guess what......I didnt allow the wheels to fall off my bike. I kept riding. I look at the 2 months as a learning experience and I didnt walk away without any gain. I think I grew up a little more and I got to spend time with Toby. It taught me more discipline and commitment to a degree and while I looked after Toby I truly felt this was a bit of insight for me as to when one has a kid! At times I felt like my life was not mine anymore and everything I did was focused around his eating plans etc. I embrassed the change in my life and I got to spend more time with Mariette walking the dogs in the morning and in the afternoons AND I discovered a beautiful walk in on my doorstep that I would not have discovered if I didnt have a dog to walk with Mariette. Moving back to Adhil was not as stressful as I thought as I had such a great group of friends who helped however this moving can be a little unsettling to a degree. The good news is I found a stunning 1 bedroom place in Roeland street. I move in there towards the end of June. I am so excited as it is a place I had envisioned and its just the location I wanted. I now get to start building up my very own collection of household goods-I know it will take a while to build up but its worth it. I feel like a great new chapter of my life is about to begin and it all starts now with me going on leave tomorrow to Durbs where I get to celebrate with 29th bday with my mama dearest and family.
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