Sunday, May 24, 2009
Durbs....good ol Durbs......
I am blogging this morning sitting in Durbs at Aroon and Heidi.Boeta Dills gave me a lift to the airport-had fun yesterday morning as Dills made me laugh as as him and I say "lorf". All in all I had a good flight-I am getting slightly better with managing my nerves. I was not as anxious as I usually get and the flight was beautiful and smooth. The man sitting next to me did mutter something about the plane not sounding too healthly before we hit the runway but I blocked it out when the noise subsided. I listened to the rest of "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama and narated by him and the last part looks at his family life. He also had his challenges ;) I was met at the airport by Aroon(Mr.Incredible) and mum and Aziz. We did a bit of pottering @ Windermere cnt and then......stopped for bunnies at Brittania. I didnt expect to have the bunnies on day 1 so this was a bonus. :) We sat together and "crushed it" at home and settled in for the afternoon. It was a good relaxing evening watching the cricket and chilling together. I have decided that this trip I am going to take step by step and not make it so jam packed that I go home feeling like I need a holiday-well lets see how it turns out. I am glad I am going to be with mum for this birthday-one just never knows what the next year holds so when I can I would like to spend as much time with her.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Another new chapter opens

So I guess the wanting to move out and find my own TWO feet and not live with boet and give him his space fell flat BUT was a great experience for me and guess what......I didnt allow the wheels to fall off my bike. I kept riding. I look at the 2 months as a learning experience and I didnt walk away without any gain. I think I grew up a little more and I got to spend time with Toby. It taught me more discipline and commitment to a degree and while I looked after Toby I truly felt this was a bit of insight for me as to when one has a kid! At times I felt like my life was not mine anymore and everything I did was focused around his eating plans etc. I embrassed the change in my life and I got to spend more time with Mariette walking the dogs in the morning and in the afternoons AND I discovered a beautiful walk in on my doorstep that I would not have discovered if I didnt have a dog to walk with Mariette. Moving back to Adhil was not as stressful as I thought as I had such a great group of friends who helped however this moving can be a little unsettling to a degree. The good news is I found a stunning 1 bedroom place in Roeland street. I move in there towards the end of June. I am so excited as it is a place I had envisioned and its just the location I wanted. I now get to start building up my very own collection of household goods-I know it will take a while to build up but its worth it. I feel like a great new chapter of my life is about to begin and it all starts now with me going on leave tomorrow to Durbs where I get to celebrate with 29th bday with my mama dearest and family.
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