Well the year has started off on a good foot on a personal note however I have this uneasy feeling with this first part. I of course really want to pursue my goals and have made the relevant enquiries to start the step but with the economic situation all seems to be on a freeze for now. I had given myself until the middle of Feb to sit in hope before making any other plans or re-thinking my journey for 2009 however I feel it is clear that a mission is abroad is on hold for now.
Cpt is awesome and I am loving the activities and hub bub however I always miss family. I longed so much over the past few weeks to spend time with mum and some time with my big boet and his family and to get away from it all. Here I am now earlier in Durbs than expected to come and assist mum with her admin and give my assitance as I am feeling so helpless on the financial end. I live from check to check and have a great plan with my budget and start to make my brothers pockets a little lighter as they have carried me a great way through the years.
On the work front my team have somehow dissapointed me time and time again and I think after 5 years of giving my passion to the hotel and new people I need to re-think my mind set or make a change. I love the MNH and have grown in leaps and bounds however I have very high standards and my patience is wearing thin. I have started feeling like I am becoming another person at times at work and I think this is one of the many factors nudging me to make a move.
On my fitness level I am so in the front lane on this. This morning I jumped on the scale at Gateway gym and YAHOO I have lost 3kg! BRING IT ON! It was so good to be in the setting of a different atmosphere and different people in the gym here in Durbs. It was interesting to observe the different occurences at that time of the morning compared to my gym in Gardens. The pool here was empty vs a packed pool at 5h15 back home. There were suprisingly a good lot of peeps there. Nice to see! It was an awesome start to my Monday morning and my mental state. Being here with Aroon and family is so comforting and special-I dont think they know just how much I long to see them-one misses out on the moments of the kids growing up and the goings on in our siblings life.
SO looking forward to having Dills back this week. He arrives in Durbs soon and then we swim the Midmar mile-we going to miss Zsa who is going to kick our backsides next yr I guess as she is swimming like a mean machine these days.
Wow what a good space I am in this morning also having chatted to Xavier and mum on the phone. FAMILY-just love them.....
Sitting and chatting to Aroon last night about books and movies-priceless I tell you and he has without a doubt inspired me to write a blog on my reveiws of books and movies I have read.