Well its been a good journey this year. I went to Bali after my stint at the Westcliff hotel and it was one of the best times of my life. I felt so relaxed in my own skin and loved the fact that it was summer wear everyday and that included when going out at night. I met some interesting people as you do when you travel abroad.
I forgot how exciting international travel is and the entire trip was enjoyable and I cherished every moment. More so it was amazing that Dills and I were meant to go on this trip at the same time in our lives. I would not trade anything for the fun time we had together and we did well when he met up with me after the wedding he was there for. We did our own thing as well as spent good time together. I am so thrilled that I got to at last taste the Far East for a bit and of course no doubt I will go back to explore more. Yes I still have my major plane phobia and going on a long trip was a little stressful however pat on my back I did so so well and it helped having Adhil on the same flight back which was booked seperately funny enough. Coming back was of course good as well-how can you not look forward to coming back to CPT however I longed for Bali for weeks after. Since then I have been keeping myself busy and trying to discipline myself with my gym and eating routine-the holiday really messed up that but this aint a complaint!! Work wise I feel I have been stagnating a bit now and have many thoughts going through my head! I need to start learning new things now. Watch this space! Mum and I had a most memorable week in CPT and every single day I cherished. Mum is doing so well and was here over Dads death anniv. We got to go together to the beach and place flowers in the water in memory of Dad. The day before I had a bit of breakdown thinking how am I going to deal with this. I felt so so emotional and kept thinking what if this was the last time we get to do this with mum on Dads day and what if this was her last bday. I am always a positive thinker however this kept flooding my mind. I was totally anxious about Dads day and mum was so strong on the day and so was I. Mum is getting her results on Monday from her P.E.T scan and then we will assess the next plan of action with the family support. It has been really trying at times for me however I get through it. I also am struggling with the lack of commitment from Mums side as it seems that she is still having 1 cig a day! All in all having a good time right now at the same time with all this family time. Today is Yasmins' bday celebration and I get to spend it with the Stephens and Schrueders and most exciting of all I get to spend time with Aunt and Uncil. Dills is back-thank goodness as it would have been difficult being alone after having mum here for a week and being surrounded my family over the previous weekend. Well watch this space for exciting pics and news from my trip to Durbs next month for my Boeta Aroons 40th.YAHOO!