At long last I have the chance to add an entry however I am being rude at this mo as well all sitting at Sahil and Anus' however Sahil and Mahesh are the net as well!So much has happened!
-Family get together in Salt Rock and Uncle Rexs' 70th bday!It was great spending time with everyone however we did miss Heidi. Aside from getting lost trying to find the party we had a good time there and it was special to share Uncle Rexs' bday with him.
-This week I was on a 2 week course by Vicky Coates "I can I care" which was excellent and of course it covered things we know and makes you more aware. In the module where we had to mention people who have said things that inspire you to excel in life I mentioned Heidi who once told me when I was toying on a career decision "Sue remember when you went on that overseas trip all on your own when you werejust 18yrs old-that was amazing at your age" and she was implying that if I could do that there are many things I can do now and yes it always rings in my head and inspires me.There was a lot of sharing in this seminar and was rather emotional for all and it taught me a hell of a lot about people I work with from various dpts. The course was absolutely inspiring.
-Mum is in town at the mo and on Monday we head off on Rovos Rail from CPT-PTA-I have always imagined going on a luxury train and here is my moment and best of all I get to share it with my mum.