I love the above pic of the boys in New York! Thought I would share this on this evenings blog. Its been a good week I guess-I over did it at the gym though and suffered in great pain this week.Have had a good few days of rest so a yoga class tomorrow morning is MUCHO needed. Worked today-gee my eyes looked terrible and battled to stay up-I went to sleep after 12am last night after watching telly and then was wide awake at 3h30am as the neighbour above us had people over and was playing hectic loud music! I was so frustrated at the in-consideration people have for others! I had to call security ONCE AGAIN and ask them to please tell them to tone it down. They turned off the music however spoke loudly and were still going at it when I left for work at half seven this morn! It was so painfull laying there battling to sleep and it has been ages since I have had a bad nights sleep-my sleeping prob has surely improved. I really think its partially a security thing!
Hey got a mail from Sunita today with pics of her and Zarina in San Francisco!