Friday, March 23, 2007

Myspace Text Generator, Myspace GraphicsMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace Layouts

Settling into HighCape

Well it was good to get back from Durban and continue moulding our new sanctuary. Its really shaping up and I have been some what inspired to be creative in the kitchen. I have attempted chicken curry and rice two weekends in a row now and made some pancake looking things which tasted good! I have also been loving being able to get to the gym at 5h30am in the morning and am able to get to work feeling real good for a 7pm shift. It was so bizarre the day-the thought of driving to the Southern Suburbs seemed so far!! Adhil is back and its so good to have him back. It was a long stretch this time around.
Hey hey hey heard some real exciting news this month-Saadia is getting married at the end of July so sure will be in JHB for the festivities soon. Wish I was there to join in the preparation and excitement!

Friday, March 9, 2007

A break much needed

So I successfully managed to suprise mum as well as well as a few peeps by arriving in Dbn by suprise.I had been starting to feel some what irritable at work after season and needed to getaway and more so the timing was just right after having just moved the week prior!(More details and pics on that later)I decided not too plan too much as I always go back CPT feeling real tired.The week thus far has been just right spending time with mum and the Schrueders as well as catching up with Playa.In Kwambo at the moment and wow there has been SO much that has gone on with refurb in the house that looks absoultely amazing wow just to see the Kwambonites! It was so sweet to get big smiles from the boys on arrival and a sweet hug from Aziz.Pics below from the week thus far.