Sunday, December 9, 2007
Well we in it and every year we find ourselves saying 'Xmas has come around so quickly" It really does just sneak up on you. I have already been to our first Xmas party with friends and it was great fun. Mahesh and Rashika hosted it at their new place and we had absolute fun. Tomorrow is our work Xmas party at Star Dust and we all wearing wigs-its going to be fun. This week is rather busy-wednesday eve we off to watch Michael Buble perform at Kirstenbosch and on thursday we have our book club Xmas party. Was expecting mum in CPT this week but due to some scary news for all of us mums health wont allow her to travel this week after finding an incision and growth in her lung. This is one of the most scariest moments for me-all we can do is be positive and hope and pray.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Going through some changes
I have been going through such a bad patch of anxiety and bad dreams and it seems to be easing now! I really need to gone out this sleeplessness to rest and see a doctor for a while. Mum said its about time I do this but I keep thinking of the cost factor. I guess I just have to make some sacrifices in the new year and do this for a better state of mind. A new year with this new behind me......hmmm sounds good.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Welcome to Zara
Last week was the birth of "Zara Rose Berrisford"-beautiful baby girl-Zarina gave birth on the 26th September 2007. We are all so so excited and I am so looking forward to meeting Aroon and family in JHB this weekend to see the new babe.
Adhil leaves on a months trip this wednesday around the world.....Pity he wont be there with us to see the babe but I am sure he will get to see her soon.
Adhil leaves on a months trip this wednesday around the world.....Pity he wont be there with us to see the babe but I am sure he will get to see her soon.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Lifes reminders of how precious it is
I heard the tragic news of my friend Aileens death in a car accident while on a fam trip in Namibia! I have just got back from being in Durban where I attended her funeral.We studied travel and tourism together at Damelin. What a vibrant positive person who truely loved life! She really was a ray in my life dropping me lines via e-mail during the day at work keeping me updated on her busy life. We spent some good times in CPT when she came through with groups and always inspired me within this industry. It was heart breaking to see what her family and work collegues are going through.The presence of her thompsons collegues was so powerful at the funeral.
I was so grateful that mum came with me for the support.On the same day I went to Michelles' wedding which was so beautiful and I was so impressed with the attention to detail. As much as the wedding was such a special moment it was so so difficult for mum and I to adjust our emotions. I still feel so strange and in shock re Aileen and it sure will take a while. This was another reminder of how short life can be so really make the most of life and dont hold onto the negative aspects in life lurking there.
I was so grateful that mum came with me for the support.On the same day I went to Michelles' wedding which was so beautiful and I was so impressed with the attention to detail. As much as the wedding was such a special moment it was so so difficult for mum and I to adjust our emotions. I still feel so strange and in shock re Aileen and it sure will take a while. This was another reminder of how short life can be so really make the most of life and dont hold onto the negative aspects in life lurking there.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
A little update
Its been ages as you know as I cant access my blog on the home pc-page just hangs. Since I have been back from JHB I feel like I have not really slowed down-I guess I felt irritable as well as my gym programme was wacked and I was trying to get things sorted at work. Well the good news is I am back in the swing of gym and that yoga class last week really brought on some new energys. Felt a tad lonely yesterday with Dills gone away for a while but he will be back on thursday. So looking forward to having Aunty Maryanne and Yasmin spend the weekend with us coming up.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
At long last....
At long last I have the chance to add an entry however I am being rude at this mo as well all sitting at Sahil and Anus' however Sahil and Mahesh are the net as well!So much has happened!
-Family get together in Salt Rock and Uncle Rexs' 70th bday!It was great spending time with everyone however we did miss Heidi. Aside from getting lost trying to find the party we had a good time there and it was special to share Uncle Rexs' bday with him.
-This week I was on a 2 week course by Vicky Coates "I can I care" which was excellent and of course it covered things we know and makes you more aware. In the module where we had to mention people who have said things that inspire you to excel in life I mentioned Heidi who once told me when I was toying on a career decision "Sue remember when you went on that overseas trip all on your own when you werejust 18yrs old-that was amazing at your age" and she was implying that if I could do that there are many things I can do now and yes it always rings in my head and inspires me.There was a lot of sharing in this seminar and was rather emotional for all and it taught me a hell of a lot about people I work with from various dpts. The course was absolutely inspiring.
-Mum is in town at the mo and on Monday we head off on Rovos Rail from CPT-PTA-I have always imagined going on a luxury train and here is my moment and best of all I get to share it with my mum.
-Family get together in Salt Rock and Uncle Rexs' 70th bday!It was great spending time with everyone however we did miss Heidi. Aside from getting lost trying to find the party we had a good time there and it was special to share Uncle Rexs' bday with him.
-This week I was on a 2 week course by Vicky Coates "I can I care" which was excellent and of course it covered things we know and makes you more aware. In the module where we had to mention people who have said things that inspire you to excel in life I mentioned Heidi who once told me when I was toying on a career decision "Sue remember when you went on that overseas trip all on your own when you werejust 18yrs old-that was amazing at your age" and she was implying that if I could do that there are many things I can do now and yes it always rings in my head and inspires me.There was a lot of sharing in this seminar and was rather emotional for all and it taught me a hell of a lot about people I work with from various dpts. The course was absolutely inspiring.
-Mum is in town at the mo and on Monday we head off on Rovos Rail from CPT-PTA-I have always imagined going on a luxury train and here is my moment and best of all I get to share it with my mum.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Been a while yes.....yes
Well its been a challenge to update of late as unfortunately I have to worry Adhil to use his lap top when he is about for the mo however he is on his travels abroad.Called him yesterday to wish him for the BIG 30!He was freakin at a party at 12h45pm! It just so happens that the office he was visiting was having their one of 2 big parties for the year on his bday!He seemed really jolly and was heading to Sunita for dinner-hope you made it-heehee.
My bday-great dinner at Pigalle-if you have not been there you got to go-special occassion I would suggest however life is too short to do these things only on special occassions! I am now 27! Feels good.
On the whole been keeping busy and doing alot of local travel with different events here and there-next is Tuesday-off to the Westcliff Hotel (sister hotel) in JHB to do some training there and then on the Sunday is Saads' bridal shower. Spending an extra two days with Sam.
This weekend-well tonight off to Maheshs' 30th bday dinner-Dills we going to miss you bro!Maheshs' mum is cooking crab curry-hmmm hmmm.
My bday-great dinner at Pigalle-if you have not been there you got to go-special occassion I would suggest however life is too short to do these things only on special occassions! I am now 27! Feels good.
On the whole been keeping busy and doing alot of local travel with different events here and there-next is Tuesday-off to the Westcliff Hotel (sister hotel) in JHB to do some training there and then on the Sunday is Saads' bridal shower. Spending an extra two days with Sam.
This weekend-well tonight off to Maheshs' 30th bday dinner-Dills we going to miss you bro!Maheshs' mum is cooking crab curry-hmmm hmmm.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A balanced weekend indeed
On Friday night I fetched Shereen(we used to work at the Hilton together-had not seen her in 4 years!) and Naz from the airport.They had won a 2 day seminar at the ICC related to "The Secret."We went to Cubana that evening and it turned out rather enjoyable and interesting.It turned out to be a BIG night. On Sat I spent a lovely day with Aunty Afz and Uncle Mohsin and we went to the Mount Nelson for afternoon tea which was cosy as CPT has been hit with the rains!Spent some time at the waterfront in the evening on my own. This morn I didnt make it to the gym cos I have a tad of a scratchy throat and I was woken by Aroons' call to hear me listen to the gorgeous boys singing Elton Johns "Dont go breaking my heart"-It really was so so special and I wished I was there to see it. Adhil and I spent the afternoon at Canal Walk and I started to feel real tired cos of course I had a broken nights sleep. Good wknd all in all:)
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Party week
Well not really-it was a long week as I also worked the public holiday.On Thursday we had our staff party for 2006 at Blumental wine estate in Durbanville.It was awesome to see all in high spirits and having a good time on the dance floor! On Friday we we had the incentives tea party to announce who is in the lead in the log for the big prize to go to Lapa Palace Lisbon.Was great to see new peeps in the lead. Today was great as at long last I went to a yoga class after a week or so and I battled today with my concentration however at the end I felt the great feeling of peace and having had a good stretch.Dills and I then met Yasmin for brunch-Yas is here for the Sharks game-we had brunch at Kauai and then we went helped Dills find shoes and of course we then needed a coffee so off to Vida we went. Had a few good giggles there.We dropped Yas off and then we went to meet Sahil,Anu,Mahesh,Rashika and Mayur who we have not seen for absolute ages-we went to Baraza at Camps Bay-was great. We now all at Sahil and Anus' having a braai-you should actually see us-3 of us sitting on laptops at the table using Sahils' wireless. Mahesh and Sahil have joined Facebook!Tomorrow is an early start I am going with the last of the bellini agent grps on the cape tour again-I love it cos I feel like a tourist.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Sleepless night

I love the above pic of the boys in New York! Thought I would share this on this evenings blog. Its been a good week I guess-I over did it at the gym though and suffered in great pain this week.Have had a good few days of rest so a yoga class tomorrow morning is MUCHO needed. Worked today-gee my eyes looked terrible and battled to stay up-I went to sleep after 12am last night after watching telly and then was wide awake at 3h30am as the neighbour above us had people over and was playing hectic loud music! I was so frustrated at the in-consideration people have for others! I had to call security ONCE AGAIN and ask them to please tell them to tone it down. They turned off the music however spoke loudly and were still going at it when I left for work at half seven this morn! It was so painfull laying there battling to sleep and it has been ages since I have had a bad nights sleep-my sleeping prob has surely improved. I really think its partially a security thing!
Hey got a mail from Sunita today with pics of her and Zarina in San Francisco!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Well its been a good Easter period with mum here-even had Lindt Easter bunnies(thanks to Dills)-I love the add for the Lindt eggs.Apparently Vida-E was giving out mini ones with coffees on Easter Sunday but funny enough I didnt get one that morning when I stopped by! Easter Sunday was a good day out with the USA Bellini agents-we went on the Peninsula tour-wait a minute I might have already posted this! oh well.I felt it was a treat for me as well and I felt like a tourist even though I had been that route many a times. This short week was good as well-Zar,Stephen and gorgeous Xavier came to visit. Xavier is just too too delightful.We had a good evening with good food from Simply Asia-my fave. On Thursday after work mum and I went for a walk on the promenade-good sea breeze and a brisk walk. We then joined Bear, his glf and Dills for a fine dinner at Relish.I had the seared salmon with stuffed prawns cous cous.It was my first time I had "seared salmon" and it was really good.This morning we went to the Oasis Rest. at the Mount Nelson Hotel and enjoyed breakies on the verandah.(No celebs in sight except us of course!)I have to log off now as Dills has just caught up to where mum and I are on the Desperate Housewives series! Heehee
Monday, April 2, 2007
Hot Summer Evenings
Its stunning to sit outside this evening and update my blog on the balcony on this very warm evening....Had a fantabulous wknd spending time with Bianca and family. Aunty Val and Uncle Morgan hit the jazz festival and B and I caught up.I stayed a night with them at their hotel and it was great to be there getting max time to catch up with the chin wag and the laughs. Didnt take much pics however def next time! SO looking forward to having mum arrive this Friday for a week-its going to be awesome especially being able to get home sooner than usual after work and we can spend more time together.Zar,Stephen and Baby X arrive on Tues so there is another great highlight.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Settling into HighCape
Well it was good to get back from Durban and continue moulding our new sanctuary. Its really shaping up and I have been some what inspired to be creative in the kitchen. I have attempted chicken curry and rice two weekends in a row now and made some pancake looking things which tasted good! I have also been loving being able to get to the gym at 5h30am in the morning and am able to get to work feeling real good for a 7pm shift. It was so bizarre the day-the thought of driving to the Southern Suburbs seemed so far!! Adhil is back and its so good to have him back. It was a long stretch this time around.
Hey hey hey heard some real exciting news this month-Saadia is getting married at the end of July so sure will be in JHB for the festivities soon. Wish I was there to join in the preparation and excitement!
Hey hey hey heard some real exciting news this month-Saadia is getting married at the end of July so sure will be in JHB for the festivities soon. Wish I was there to join in the preparation and excitement!
Friday, March 9, 2007
A break much needed
So I successfully managed to suprise mum as well as well as a few peeps by arriving in Dbn by suprise.I had been starting to feel some what irritable at work after season and needed to getaway and more so the timing was just right after having just moved the week prior!(More details and pics on that later)I decided not too plan too much as I always go back CPT feeling real tired.The week thus far has been just right spending time with mum and the Schrueders as well as catching up with Playa.In Kwambo at the moment and wow there has been SO much that has gone on with refurb in the house that looks absoultely amazing wow just to see the Kwambonites! It was so sweet to get big smiles from the boys on arrival and a sweet hug from Aziz.Pics below from the week thus far.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Final packing.....SUBURB TO CITY LIFE
Its Saturday afternoon and I am now feeling a tad tired after packing and chucking out the whole day so far with get my washing sorted in between. A lot of stuff to give away that I am going to give Thabang to take to the township on his next tour this week. A few pieces of our furniture has gone and a few more to go.Adhil has a braai going so looking forward to relaxing by the pool very shortly. Good news am able to update my blog on Adhils' laptop. I suspected the other pc has too much on it and is too slow if that makes sense!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Last weekend
This was Dills and I out and about last weekend.....We had an adventurous Saturday all starting with a lunch in Long Str with Warren& fiance and Bear. Dills,Bear and I moved onto drinks.....
5 on Park,Relish....back to Long Str-lots of fun and much needed! Much more crazy pics on Ringo. Will add the link soon.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Been a while
I SO want to update the blog but you the situation I cant get on at home and only at work and its not very private around here at work-am working this wknd so maybe I will get a chance-lots of pics and updating to do!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Yasmin comes to CPT on holiday
Yasmin came to Cape Town on holiday for 10 days-a much derserved holiday after the excellent results she pulled in her matric year. We had a great time bonding together and had lots and lots of fun. I throughly enjoyed having "a lil sister" around and of course I loved having girly company. It was great to find out that Yas also likes taking crazy pics so we took lots and lots.
I will add the link here as well really soon.
Edited:We got up to all sorts of girly stuff-maincures,pedicures,wash and blow,shopped a little....
Drinks @ Alba with Aunty Divya and her sisters and Shivs.....lunch @ Simply Asia.......movies......visit to the Stephens family members.....dancing @ Chrome.........adventures in Long Str by day......Camps Bay......
Chech out the below link to check out our pics while Yas was here.
Glitter Graphics: "

Glitter Graphics
Myspace Layouts
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Xaviers 1st bday....Catching up with friends......
Had a great memorable time in Josies-the family were there as well as caught up with Bianca,Sam and Kamal. Xaviers party was really sweet and I got to spend quality time with the kiddies. They were SO cute and amusing. Lots to add to this post.....
I went to the airport REAL EARLY hoping to go on stand by for an earlier flight in order to max. my time spent with the family only to find out from the sour BA lady that they dont offer that service anymore and if you would like to change your flight you must pay. Luckily Adhil was still there and he sat with me while we checked the costs of changing etc and I thought I am going to pay the difference even though a tad steep cos my family time is much more worth it and valuable! I got in at JHB airport (great flight-still have a major fear of flying and each time I say to myself I have to do something about!)after a smooth flight to my relief (even though I was so ill from a night awake of being ill)and shortly after Mr.Incredible and the family arrived. It was so so good to see them and Zar(looking bright and Zar managed to take the afternoon off) arrived to pick us all up. Spent the afternoon watching the boys swimming. It was great fun.
Day of the party mum was there and we got things going helping as much as we can. The weather played with us as a storm broke but it sure cooled things down. All worked out well and the kids loved it. The birthday cake I believe was a "Nigella Lawson" cake made by Stephen and he iced it so well too. All enjoyed the party and one of the many highlights for me was getting to bath Nico and Aziz and listen to their creative minds re the stories of the toy underwater creatures they had in their bath and I found out from Aziz that a shark had once bitten Aroons' leg!
On Sunday Bianca and I met with Kamal at Sandton Square for breakies-it was great catching up. Sunday afternoon I joined Sam and her family for a picnic at Zoo Lake where we did a lot of catching up! Of course spending one night at Sam and familys' new place was not enough time! We chatted and chatted and chatted till late that evening. Monday morning it was a great feeling to still be away and not have to get ready for work and Sam, Saads and I went for a brunch at "Tashas'" and then Sam took me to the airport.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Been so frustrating
Hey there...been attempting to update this weekly and can never log on to it at home-I am doing this at work at the mo and only cos I am here real early this morn. All is well and I am so looking forward to having Adhil back this Sunday-I hear he went to Tatum for dinner the other night in London:)Cant wait to hear more about it. Next weekend I am off to Josies for the weekend and am so thrilled that Aroon and family as well as Mageda are going to make it as well as it is Xaviers' first birthday party. I love family gatherings so you can imagine just how eager and excited I am.
Monday, January 1, 2007
New Years Day
Happy New Year........First day of the new year and its been all that I wanted it to be. Relaxing.......I woke up at Bear and Tanyas' place at about 06h30am in one of their lounges and I could hear deep snoring from the other lounge which of course could only be Adhil. I was so exhausted the night before so after a fun filled evening of games in their garden(yes their garden is huge and they set up a badminton court as well as I played Boulle and didnt do too badly I might add!) They had a lamb spit braai and din dins was delicous. Good company and good drinks and good evening overall. I did sneak off to sleep after having the Moet @ midnight.
Dills and I got home just about after 09h00am and I napped off and on and also relaxed in the pool reading at long last much of the book from Vees. I am way into it now. Dills actually made it to training and I watched "A series of unfortunate events" on my dvd copy and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The year awaits me full of adventure and all good this new blog created by Aroon-so Sue so pink!
Dills and I got home just about after 09h00am and I napped off and on and also relaxed in the pool reading at long last much of the book from Vees. I am way into it now. Dills actually made it to training and I watched "A series of unfortunate events" on my dvd copy and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The year awaits me full of adventure and all good this new blog created by Aroon-so Sue so pink!
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